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Maria von Scheel-Plessen holds the position of an Advisor.


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Book: „Successful instead of perfect“ by Frederike Probert

May 2023

I contributed as a co-author to „Successful instead of perfect“ by Mission Female founder Frederike Probert, which is an important reading to foster more self-confidence in young female professionals who aim to start their business lives with a natural understanding of leadership and a feeling of togetherness.

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Business Insider: Die Zukunftsmacherinnen 2022

November 2022

It is an honor for me to have been recognized by Business Insider as one of the 25 Female Future Makers of 2022, seeking to transform their industries. Thank you for sharing my thoughts on how I want to use my reach for topics that really matter to me. 

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Business Insider: Digital Innovation Issue

November 2022

"My mission is to start giving back, and to have more women around me who feel empowered to use their voice and lead others."
In the Digital Innovation November issue I spoke about my career path, driving digitalisation in the luxury industry and female empowerment.

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Meedia Magazin

November 2022

I spoke to Meedia magazine about my career path and how I aim to empower women around me.

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Book: "Next Level CMO"

October 2022

Contributor to "Next Level CMO", which profiles marketeers and CMOs from leading brands such as Banana Republic, Generali, Gucci, Jägermeister, Oatly, smart, Tony’s Chocolonely, Unilever, Zalando and many more.

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Criteo Magazine

June 2022

In this interview I spoke to Criteo about how the luxury industry was impacted by the pandemic, how the industry will develop in the future and what opportunities digital marketing solutions bring in this context.

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Journal HR

April 2022

Prior to my keynote at the Festival of Creativity in Rovinj, Croatia I spoke to Journal HR about my career path, digitalisation in the luxury industry as well as the impact of the pandemic on eCommerce.

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Career Update

October 2021

As of December 2021 I will take over the role as global director of media and e-commerce at Gucci in Milan, Italy.

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"101 Great Minds" by Uli Reese

September 2021

It’s an honour to be featured in the book “101 Great Minds” from Uli Reese and the AMP Sound Branding team. We discussed the future of sound in branding and I am in awe of the 360 degree view Uli managed to capture with the diverse range of contributors.

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Internet World Austria 2021

September 2021

Thanks Internet World Austria for this article covering my thoughts on the digital transformation in the luxury industry.

Gerety Awards

Gerety Awards Grand Juror


I am honoured to be part of the Gerety Grand Jury for this year's Gerety Awards. The awards mark the first time that juries have been brought together to select the best in advertising and creative communication through a female lens.

Lynk's Rebranding Expert Series

Lynk's Rebranding Expert Series

September 2021

As part of Lynk’s rebranding celebration I shared my experience in brand transformation and how I helped reshape American and European brands, such as Amazon and Zalora for the Asian markets.



July 2021

Welcome to my home! Westwing Germany paid me a visit and I showed them my most treasured pieces, collected from all over the world!

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Luxury Women to Watch in 2021

September 2020

Luxury Daily annually honors smart women executives who show the potential to make a difference in the luxury business. I'm very honored to receive the "Luxury Women to Watch in 2021" Award for my past achievement as well as the vision and goals I have set for the coming year.

Philipp Magazin

Philipp Magazin

May 2020

I spoke to the "Philipp Magazin" about what my topics at the OMR 2020 would have been (digital transformation in the luxury industry and the urgency of automating processes to stay relevant and acquire new customers), my productivity hacks for working from home, and new areas I explored during lockdown.

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Mission Female: Frauen. Macht. Karriere

June 2020

The Mission Female network unites successful women across all industries at the highest level. As part of Frederike Probert's (Founder of Mission Female) book, I contributed a piece of advice to young women, outlining how having a clear vision, defining your own values and setting clear goals will lead you to success.


Cover: Update Magazine

January 2020

The UPDATE magazine by d3con features leading experts from the digital marketing industry, who discuss the latest trends and share their insights.

Video Ad News

Video Week 2020

January 2020

"The Marketers of the 2020s Will Be Engineers and Data Scientists says Montblanc’s von Scheel-Plessen" - Watch the video of my interview using the link below.

Vivatech Paris 2019

Think with Google @Vivatech Paris

April 2019

Read about my interview at Vivatech Paris, where I spoke about how digital can help create a luxury shopping user experience.


Business Insider: Die Zukunftsmacherinnen 2022

November 2022

It is an honor for me to have been recognized by Business Insider as one of the 25 Female Future Makers of 2022, seeking to transform their industries. Thank you for sharing my thoughts on how I want to use my reach for topics that really matter to me. 

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Business Insider: Digital Innovation Issue

November 2022

"My mission is to start giving back, and to have more women around me who feel empowered to use their voice and lead others."
In the Digital Innovation November issue I spoke about my career path, driving digitalisation in the luxury industry and female empowerment.

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Meedia Magazin

November 2022

I spoke to Meedia magazine about my career path and how I aim to empower women around me.

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Book: "Next Level CMO"

October 2022

Contributor to "Next Level CMO", which profiles marketeers and CMOs from leading brands such as Banana Republic, Generali, Gucci, Jägermeister, Oatly, smart, Tony’s Chocolonely, Unilever, Zalando and many more.

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Criteo Magazine

June 2022

In this interview I spoke to Criteo about how the luxury industry was impacted by the pandemic, how the industry will develop in the future and what opportunities digital marketing solutions bring in this context.

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Journal HR

April 2022

Prior to my keynote at the Festival of Creativity in Rovinj, Croatia I spoke to Journal HR about my career path, digitalisation in the luxury industry as well as the impact of the pandemic on eCommerce.

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Career Update

October 2021

As of December 2021 I will take over the role as global director of media and e-commerce at Gucci in Milan, Italy.

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"101 Great Minds" by Uli Reese

September 2021

It’s an honour to be featured in the book “101 Great Minds” from Uli Reese and the AMP Sound Branding team. We discussed the future of sound in branding and I am in awe of the 360 degree view Uli managed to capture with the diverse range of contributors.

Read More
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Internet World Austria 2021

September 2021

Thanks Internet World Austria for this article covering my thoughts on the digital transformation in the luxury industry.

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Gerety Awards Grand Juror


I am honoured to be part of the Gerety Grand Jury for this year's Gerety Awards. The awards mark the first time that juries have been brought together to select the best in advertising and creative communication through a female lens.

Gerety Awards

Lynk's Rebranding Expert Series

September 2021

As part of Lynk’s rebranding celebration I shared my experience in brand transformation and how I helped reshape American and European brands, such as Amazon and Zalora for the Asian markets.

Lynk's Rebranding Expert Series


July 2021

Welcome to my home! Westwing Germany paid me a visit and I showed them my most treasured pieces, collected from all over the world!


Luxury Women to Watch in 2021

September 2020

Luxury Daily annually honors smart women executives who show the potential to make a difference in the luxury business. I'm very honored to receive the "Luxury Women to Watch in 2021" Award for my past achievement as well as the vision and goals I have set for the coming year.

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Philipp Magazin

May 2020

I spoke to the "Philipp Magazin" about what my topics at the OMR 2020 would have been (digital transformation in the luxury industry and the urgency of automating processes to stay relevant and acquire new customers), my productivity hacks for working from home, and new areas I explored during lockdown.

Philipp Magazin

Mission Female: Frauen. Macht. Karriere

June 2020

The Mission Female network unites successful women across all industries at the highest level. As part of Frederike Probert's (Founder of Mission Female) book, I contributed a piece of advice to young women, outlining how having a clear vision, defining your own values and setting clear goals will lead you to success.

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Cover: Update Magazine

January 2020

The UPDATE magazine by d3con features leading experts from the digital marketing industry, who discuss the latest trends and share their insights.


Video Week 2020

January 2020

"The Marketers of the 2020s Will Be Engineers and Data Scientists says Montblanc’s von Scheel-Plessen" - Watch the video of my interview using the link below.

Video Ad News

Think with Google @Vivatech Paris

April 2019

Read about my interview at Vivatech Paris, where I spoke about how digital can help create a luxury shopping user experience.

Vivatech Paris 2019

Technologie-Erwerb und -Schulung

März 2001

In der Beratungsbranche ist jede Situation einzigartig und erfordert einen spezifischen Lösungsansatz. Für dieses Projekt habe ich meinem Kunden geholfen, den idealen Ausgang der Situation zu definieren und mithilfe der anschließenden strategischen Planung konnten wir ein hervorragendes Endergebnis erzielen.

Misty Slope

Einführung eines neuen Produkts

März 2001

Bei diesem Projekt habe ich meinem Kunden geholfen, einen kurzfristigen Plan mit langfristigem Nutzen aufzustellen. Anschließend habe ich ihm mit fachkundiger Beratung und strategischer Planung bei der Umsetzung unterstützt. Sie möchten mehr über meine Leistungen erfahren?

Misty Slope


März 2001

Dieses Projekt ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie ich die Interessen meiner Kunden im Auge behalte. Wir haben zunächst eine gründliche Budgetanalyse durchgeführt und dann schrittweise einen langfristigen Plan für die nächsten Phasen erstellt. Kontaktieren Sie mich, um mehr zu erfahren.

Misty Slope

Technologie-Erwerb und -Schulung

März 2001

In der Beratungsbranche ist jede Situation einzigartig und erfordert einen spezifischen Lösungsansatz. Für dieses Projekt habe ich meinem Kunden geholfen, den idealen Ausgang der Situation zu definieren und mithilfe der anschließenden strategischen Planung konnten wir ein hervorragendes Endergebnis erzielen.

Misty Slope

Einführung eines neuen Produkts

März 2001

Bei diesem Projekt habe ich meinem Kunden geholfen, einen kurzfristigen Plan mit langfristigem Nutzen aufzustellen. Anschließend habe ich ihm mit fachkundiger Beratung und strategischer Planung bei der Umsetzung unterstützt. Sie möchten mehr über meine Leistungen erfahren?

Misty Slope
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©2019 by mariavsp

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